The home of British English pronunciation


What if you could finally feel proud of your pronunciation?

I’m Emma — the British pronunciation expert who makes speaking fun, easy and accesible.

“I am living in the UK, constantly talking to native speakers and after just 30 days my co-workers and friends have been understanding me a lot better.Guilherme

Did someone say… free pronunciation goodies? 👀

YES, THEY DID! Pop your email address in the box below to receive your free pronunciation pack. 

📚 A guide to the most commonly mispronounced words
🎙️ A story with phonetic transcription to practise shadowing my accent
🎥 Ten completely free video lessons to get you started

The most helpful pronunciation videos on YouTube 

Want to see how I teach? Try a few (hundred) pronunciation lessons for free on YouTube.

 Read your way to speaking better English

Ok, no, reading won’t help you learn correct pronunciation… but the advice I share on my blog definitely will!

Learn a new pronunciation feature in 90 seconds (or less!)

Only got 2 minutes? I have hundreds of short British pronunciation lessons waiting for you on Instagram.

Boost your listening skills with real, unscripted English audio

Listen to my podcast for laid-back chats about anything from learning pronunciation to how I spend my free time.

 If 1 million people can improve with me, you can too. 😃

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